# cspell-tools: keep-case no-split -moz-mac-unified-toolbar -moz-win-borderless-glass -moz-win-browsertabbar-toolbox -moz-win-communications-toolbox -moz-win-glass -moz-win-media-toolbox -moz-window-button-box -moz-window-button-box-maximized -moz-window-button-close -moz-window-button-maximize -moz-window-button-minimize -moz-window-button-restore -moz-window-titlebar -moz-window-titlebar-maximized 3dlight Apple EN Hz abbr abegede absolute action active add additive address adjacent adjust after aliceblue align alignment all allow allowed alpha alphabetic alt alternate alternates always amaric anchor and animation antiquewhite any appearance aqua aquamarine arbitrary area areas arial arithmetic armenian around array arrow article as ascii asian aside aspect at attachment attr attribute audio aural auto available avoid azimuth azure back backdrop backface background backwards balance bar base baseline basic basis bdi bdo before begin beginCaptures behavior beige below bengali between bevel bezier bidi binding bisque black blanchedalmond blend block blocking blockquote blue bluehaze blueviolet blur body bold bolder bookmark border borderless both bottom bottomleft bottomright box br braille branch break breaks brightness brown browsertabbar buffered bullets burlywood burn button button-arrow-down button-arrow-next button-arrow-previous button-arrow-up button-bevel c2sc cadetblue calt cambodian canvas capitalize caps caption captures caret case cell cells center central century change char character chars charset chartreuse checkbox checkbox-container checkbox-label checked checkmenuitem child chinese chocolate circle cite cjk class clear clearfix clig clip clone close closed coarse code col colgroup collapse color column columns com combinators combine comic comment composite compress constant contain container content contents continue contrast control coordinate coral corner corners cornflowerblue cornsilk count counter counters courier cover create crimson crisp crop css css3 cubic cue currentcolor cursor cx cy cyan cyclic d darkblue darkcyan darken darkgoldenrod darkgray darkgreen darkgrey darkkhaki darkmagenta darkolivegreen darkorange darkorchid darkred darksalmon darkseagreen darkshadow darkslateblue darkslategray darkslategrey darkturquoise darkviolet dasharray dashoffset data datalist dd decimal decoration deeppink deepskyblue default definition deg del delay demand dense densedashed destination details devanagari device dfn dialog dict difference digits dimgray dimgrey direction disabled disc disclosure display distribute div dl dlig dodge dodgerblue dominant dot dotted double doubleposition down downbutton dpcm dpi dppx drop dropdown dt duration during dvmax dvmin each earthly ease easings east economy edge edges effect element elevation ellipsis em embed embossed emphasis empty enable enabled encoding end endCaptures entity erb escape eszett ethiopic even evenly evenodd events ex exact exclude exclusion extended extends face fade fallback family feature fieldset figcaption figure fileTypes filetypes fill filled filter filters fina fine firebrick first fit fixed flex flexbox float flood floralwhite flow focus focusring font footer force forestgreen form formal format forward forwards fr frac fragment fragments from fuchsia full fullscreen function gainsboro gap garamond geometric geometricPrecision georgia georgian ghostwhite glass glyph glyphicon gold goldenrod gray grayscale greek green greenyellow grey grid groove group groupbox grow gt gujarati gurmukhi halehame hand handheld hanging hangul hanja hard head header heavenly hebrew height help helvetica hgroup hidden hiragana hist hlig honeydew horizontal hostfunction hotpink hover hr hsla html html4 http hue hyphenate hyphens hz i icon id ideograph ideographic iframe image img impact import important in inactive include increment indent indeterminate index indianred indigo infinite informal inherit init initial ink inline inner input ins inset inside intent inter interlace interpolation intersect into invalid invert iroha isol isolate isolation italic item items iteration ivory japanese justify kHz katakana kbd keep kern kerning key keyEquivalent keyframes keyword keywords khaki khmer khtml korean kurmanji label landscape language lao large larger last latin lavender lavenderblush lawngreen layout leading left legacy legend legibility lemonchiffon length letter level li liga ligatures light lightblue lightcoral lightcyan lighter lightgoldenrodyellow lightgray lightgreen lightgrey lighting lightpink lightsalmon lightseagreen lightskyblue lightslategray lightslategrey lightsteelblue lightyellow lime limegreen limit line linecap linejoin linen lines link list listbox lnum local locl logic logical loop loose lower lowercase lr lt ltr lucida luminance luminosity lvmax lvmin mac magenta main malayalam mandatory manipulation manual map margin mark marker marks maroon marquee mask match mathematical matrix max maximize maximized maximum medi media medium mediumaquamarine mediumblue mediumorchid mediumpurple mediumseagreen mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen mediumturquoise mediumvioletred menu menuarrow menucheckbox menuimage menuitem menuitemtext menulist menulist-button menulist-text menulist-textfield menupopup menuradio menuseparator merge meta meter mid middle midnightblue min minimize minimum minmax mintcream misc mistyrose miterlimit mix mixed mkmk mm moccasin mode model mongolian monochrome monospace motion move moz mozmm ms multicol multiline multiply myanmar n name nav navajowhite navy ne negative nesw new newspaper next no non none nonzero normal noscript not notch nowrap nth numbers numeral numeric nw nwse object objects oblique odd of offset offwhite oklab oklch ol oldlace olive olivedrab on only onum opacity open opentype operator optgroup optimize option optional orange orangered orchid order ordinal org orient orientation origin oriya oromo orphans other out outline output outset outside overflow overhang overlay overline override overscroll p pack pad padding page paginate paint painted palegoldenrod palegreen paleturquoise palevioletred pan papayawhip param parameter parent parenthesis path patterns pause paused pc peachpuff percentage persian perspective peru phonemes physical picture pink pitch pixelated placeholder plaintext play plist plum point pointer points policy portrait position powderblue pre precision prefix presentation preserve previous print profile progid progress progressbar progresschunk progressive projection property propertylist proximity pseudo pt public punctuation purple px q quality query quote quoted quotes r rad radio radio-container radio-label radiomenuitem radius range rate ratio rb read rebeccapurple rect red region relative rendering repeat repitition replace repository required reset resize resizer resizerpanel resolution resource respond rest reverse revert rgb rgba richness ridge right rl rlig role roman root rosybrown rotate rotation row rows royalblue rp rrggbb rrggbbaa rt rtc rtl ruby rule run running rx ry s saddlebrown salmon samp sandybrown sans saturate saturation scale scale-horizontal scale-vertical scalethumb scalethumb-horizontal scalethumb-vertical scan scope scopeName screen script scroll scrollbar-small scrollbarbutton scrollbarbutton-down scrollbarbutton-left scrollbarbutton-right scrollbarbutton-up scrollbarthumb scrollbarthumb-horizontal scrollbarthumb-vertical scrollbartrack scrollbartrack-horizontal scrollbartrack-vertical se seagreen searchfield seashell section select selection selector self separate separator sepia serif sesame set settings shadow shape shift show shrink sidama side sideways sienna silver simp single size sizing skew skip skyblue slateblue slategray slategrey slice small smaller smcp smooth snap snow soft solid source space spacegray spacegrey spaces spacing span speak speech speed spell spinner spinner-downbutton spinner-textfield spinner-upbutton spread springgreen square src srgb stacking standard start state static statusbar statusbarpanel steelblue stem step sticky stop strategy stress stretch strict string stroke strong style styleset sub subgrid suboptimum subs subtract suffix summary sup super support suppress sups susy svg svmax svmin sw swsh symbol symbolic symbols synthesis system t tab tab-scroll-arrow-back tab-scroll-arrow-forward table tabpanels tag tahoma tamil tan target tb tbody td teal telugu template terminator text textarea textfield textfield-multiline tfoot th thai thead thick thin thistle threshold through tibetan time times timing title titlebar tnum to tomato toolbar toolbarbutton toolbarbutton-dropdown toolbox tooltip top topleft topright touch tr track transform transition translate transparent trebuchet treeheadercell treeheadersortarrow treeitem treetwisty treetwistyopen treeview triangle trim true truetype tty tundora turn turquoise tv type u ui ul under underline underscore unicode unit unitless unquoted unsafe unscrollable unset up upbutton upper uppercase upright url use user utf utopia uuid valid value values var variable variant vector verdana version vertical vh video view viewport viewports violet visibility visible visited vmax vmin voice volume vw w w3 w3c wait wbr webdings webkit weight wheat white whitesmoke whitespace whitespaces widows width wildcard will window word words wrap write writing www x xml xx y yellow yellowgreen z zA za zero zone zoom