# cspell-tools: keep-case no-split AD ADAM ADMembership_ServerlessADsPath_not_supported ADP ADP_ConnecitonRequired_UpdateRows ADP_TransactionZombied AddTvfReturnType Annoymous_id_module_not_enabled Anonymous_ClearAnonymousIdentifierNotSupported Anonymous_id_too_long Anonymous_id_too_long_2 App_session_only_valid_in_global_asax Appx ArgumentException_DuplicateRemainingArgumets ArgumentOutOfRangeExpectedPostiveNumber AsGml Async_and_aspcompat Atio AtleastOneSSDLNeeded Attlist Attr_not_supported_in_pagedirective Attr_not_supported_in_ucdirective Auth_rule_must_specify_users_andor_roles BaseTemplatedMobileComponentEditor_TemplateModeErrorMessage BaseTemplatedMobileComponentEditor_TemplateModeErrorTitle BindingDoesnTSupportRequestReplyButContract1 CQ CT Cacheability_for_field_must_be_private_or_nocache CannotCallNoncomposableFunction CannotCreateMultisetofNulls Cannot_call_defaulthttphandler_sync Cant_connect_sql_cache_dep_database_admin_cmdtxt Cant_use_nocompile_uc Caps_cannot_be_inited_twice Cardin Cdm CheckBoxField_CouldntParseAsBoolean Clr Cng Codefile Collab Collab_AppUnregFailed Collab_EndPointNotIPv6Error Combo Compilmode_not_allowed Config_allow_definition_error_webroot CouldnTCreateChannelForChannelType2 CouldnTCreateChannelForType2 Cqt Creds Cryptography_ArgECDsaRequiresECDsaKey Cryptography_ArgExpectedECDiffieHellmanCngPublicKey Cryptography_NonCompliantFIPSAlgorithm DB DNC DNS DTC DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider_ValidatableConstructorRequirements DataBoundControl_DataSourceDoesntSupportPaging DataCategory_ConnectionResilency DataColumn_INullableUDTwithoutStaticNull DataColumn_OrdinalExceedMaximun DataColumn_UDTImplementsIChangeTrackingButnotIRevertible DataControl_DataSourceDoesntExist DataDom_NotSupport_EntRef DataMerge_ReltionKeyColumnsMismatch DataTable_CanNotSetRemotingFormat DataTable_SelfnestedDatasetConflictingName DbConnectionString_AdoNetPooler DbConnectionString_DSN Dbf DeclarativeCatlaogPart_WebPartsListUserControlPath Dev DevFiltDict_FoundLoop Dt Duplicate_appinitialize DuplicatedFunctionoverloads EC ECDH EDM Edm Enablesessionstate_must_be_true_false_or_readonly EntityClient_CannotReprepareCommandDefinitionBasedCommand EntityKey_DoesntMatchKeyOnEntity Enum EnumMemberValueOutOfItsUnderylingTypeRange Eq Error_Attaching_with_MDM Error_onpagestart Etw Expr Expr_AmbiguousBinop Expr_ArgumentOutofRange Expr_DatatypeConvertion Expr_DatavalueConvertion Expr_FilterConvertion Expr_MismatchKindandTimeSpan Expr_NYI Expr_TypeMismatchInBinop FormattableString FormattableStringFactory GC GE Gac Gen GetGacLocaltion_failed HS HierarchicalDataControl_DataSourceDoesntExist IFormattable IIS IO ISAPI Il ImcompatibleCreateRefKeyElementType ImcompatibleCreateRefKeyType Inf Invalid_sql_cache_dep_polltime Invalid_tagprefix_entry Invalid_use_of_config_uc Iqt LDV LocalizableString_LocalizationFailed MDF MDF_AmbigousCollectionName MMF MSHTML Mapping_FunctionImport_ScalarMappingToMulticolumnTVF Mapping_InvalidContent_Emtpty_SetMap Mapping_InvalidContent_ForeignKey_Association_Set_PKtoPK MasterPage_doesnt_have_contentplaceholder Materializer MinRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters_can_not_be_more_than_MinRequiredPasswordLength MismatchNumberOfPropertiesinRelationshipConstraint Missing_varybyparam_attr ModelGeneration_UnGeneratableType MultipleCCbesInParameters MultipleMebesInParameters Multiset NT Na NamedSimpleType_InvalidDuplicateNamedSimpleTypeDelaration Nm NoExtensibleObjectsInSL NoStreamingTransferInSL NoSyncProgrammingInSL NullRelationshipNameforEdmRelationshipAttribute OC OK OSF ObjectContext_QualfiedEntitySetName ObjectContext_RequiredMetadataNotAvailble ObjectQuery_UnableToMaterializeArbitaryProjectionType ObjectStateManager_DoesnotAllowToReAddUnchangedOrModifiedOrDeletedEntity ObjectStateManager_EntityTypeDoesnotMatchtoEntitySetType ObjectStateManager_KeyPropertyDoesntMatchValueInKey ObjectStateManager_KeyPropertyDoesntMatchValueInKeyForAttach ObjectView_CannotReplacetheEntityorRow Object_tag_must_have_class_classid_or_progid Odbc_CantEnableConnectionpooling Odbc_MDACWrongVersion Odbc_UnknownURTType OfTypeQVCacheKey Ole OleDb_Fill_NotADODB OleDb_IDBInfoNotSupported OleDb_ISourcesRowsetNotSupported OleDb_MDACNotAvailable OleDb_MDACWrongVersion OleDb_MSDASQLNotSupported OleDb_SchemaRowsetsNotSupported P2P_cant_determine_osinstalltype P2P_empty_osinstalltype PMH PageAdapter_MustHaveFormRunatServer Page_scope_in_global_asax ParameterBindingException_UnknownParameteName ParameterBindingException_ValididationError Paren PartialTrustIXmlSerialzableNoPublicConstructor Perflib PersonalizableTypeEntry_InvalidProperty Pnrp Pnrp_AtleastOneEvenHandlerNeeded PocoEntityWrapper_UnableToMaterializeArbitaryNavPropType Polltime_zero_for_database_sql_cache Popout Postback_ctrl_not_found Pregen Profile_anonoymous_not_allowed_to_set_property Profile_not_precomped PropertyOverridesDialog_NotICloneable Property_Not_Persistable Property_doesnt_have_property Prot Qil_Validation RSA RTL RangeValidator_MinmumValue Rb Reg RelatedEndExprTypeMustBePromotoableToToEnd RelationshipFromEndIsAmbiguos RelationshipManager_CannotGetRelatEndForDetachedPocoEntity RelationshipToEndIsAmbiguos ReorderableListEditor ResourceExpresionBuilder_PageResourceNotFound Runat_can_only_be_server SFXUnvalidNamespaceParam SFXUnvalidNamespaceValue SNI SQL SQLCR SQLCR_TDSVestionNotPreserved SQLMSF SQLROR SQLTVP SQLUDT SQL_ChangePasswordUseOfUnallowedKey SQL_ConnectionLockedForBcpEvent SR SSDL SSE SSPI Sch SchInf_noct SchInf_schematype SchInf_simplecontent Sch_GroupBaseRestNotEmptiable Sch_InvalidExamplar Sch_ListFromNonatomic Sch_MissDtvalue Sch_MissDtvaluesAttribute Sch_NoExamplar Sch_ReftoKeyref Sch_UnSpecifiedDefaultAttributeInExternalStandalone Sch_UnexpressibleAnyAttribute Sch_UnrefNS Sch_XSCHEMA Sect Serverless SessionViewState_ExpiredOrCookieless SiteMapDataSource_StartingNodeUrlAndStartFromcurrentNode_Defined Smi Snix Snix_LoginSspi Snix_PreLoginBeforeSuccessfullWrite Snix_ProcessSspi SourceTypeMustBePromotoableToFromEndRelationType SqlGen_NiladicFunctionsCannotHaveParameters SqlMisc_InvalidPrecScaleMessage SqlMisc_NumeToDecOverflowMessage SqlParameter_InvalidTableDerivedPrecisionForTvp SqlProvider_DdlGeneration_CannotDeleteDatabaseNoInitialCatalog SqlProvider_DdlGeneration_CannotTellIfDatabaseExists SqlProvider_DdlGeneration_MissingInitialCatalog SqlSpatialservices_CouldNotCreateWellKnownGeographyValueNoSrid SqlSpatialservices_CouldNotCreateWellKnownGeographyValueNoWkbOrWkt SqlSpatialservices_CouldNotCreateWellKnownGeometryValueNoSrid SqlSpatialservices_CouldNotCreateWellKnownGeometryValueNoWkbOrWkt SqlUdtReason_MaplessNotYetSupported SqlUdtReason_MultivaluedAssemblyId SqlUdtReason_NativeFormatExplictLayoutNotAllowed Sql_BulkLoadLcidMismatch Sql_CanotCreateNormalizer Sql_webevent_provider_events_dropped Sqm Src_not_available_nodebug SsdlGenerator StonglyTypedAccessToNullValue StrongTyping_CananotAccessDBNull StrongTyping_CananotRemoveRelation StyleSheetAreadyAppliedOnControl StyleSheet_SettingTemplatingStyleChoiceDescription Stylesheet_EditBtnCaption Subquery Subs SynchronizationLockException_MisMatchedRead SynchronizationLockException_MisMatchedUpgrade SynchronizationLockException_MisMatchedWrite Sysnative TDS TVFReturnTypeRowHasNonScalarProperty TVP TableReferencedByTvfWasNotFound TargetVisiable TemplateableDesigner_SetTemplatesFilterVerb TemplateableDesigner_SettingGenericChoiceDescription TemplateableDesigner_SettingTemplatingChoiceDescription TemplateableDesigner_TemplateChoiceDescription TemplatedWizardStep_ContentTemplate TemplatedWizardStep_CustomNavigationTemplate TemplatingOptionsDialog_CHTMLSchemaFriendly TemplatingOptionsDialog_EditBtnCaption TemplatingOptionsDialog_FilterCaption TemplatingOptionsDialog_HTMLSchemaFriendly TemplatingOptionsDialog_SchemaCaption TemplatingOptionsDialog_Title Theming Tmpl Trace_Controlstate_Size Trace_Controlstate_Size_Nochildren Trace_Viewstate_Size_Nochildren Transacted_page_calls_aspcompat TryGetTvfReturnType TypeMismatchRelationshipConstaint Type_doesnt_have_property Type_doesnt_inherit_from_type UC UDF UDL UDT UPN Udl Udt Unable_To_UnRegister_Assembly Undock Unknown_buildprovider_extension UnsettableComboBox_NotSetCompactText UnsettableComboBox_NotSetText Update_SqlEntitySetWithoutDmlFunctions Username VBIdentiferDesignerAutomationPeer ValidatableObjectAdapter_IncompatibleType Validator_OSpace_Convention_ScalarPropertyMissginGetterOrSetter Validator_range_overalap Viewgen Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Disj_Eq Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Disj_Subs Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Disj_Subs_Ref Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Disj_Unk Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Eq_Disj Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Eq_Unk Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Eq_Unk_Association Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Sub_Disj Viewgen_ErrorPattern_Partition_Sub_Unk Viewgen_MultipleFragmentsBetweenCandSExtentWithDistinct Viewgen_NoJoinKeyOrFK Viewgen_QV_RewritingNotFound Vt Webevent Webevent_detail_ApplicationShutdownChangeInGlobalAsax Wmi XPath_RtfInPathExpr XSP_init_error Xaml Xdom Xdom_Document_Innertext Xdom_Ele_Prefix Xdom_EntRef_SetVal Xdom_Ent_Innertext Xdom_NoRootEle Xdom_WS_Char XmlChoiceIdentiferAmbiguous XmlChoiceIdentiferMemberMissing XmlChoiceIdentiferMissing XmlCompilerDynModule XmlIl_NmspAfterAttr XmlIl_NmspConflict XmlIl_TopLevelAttrNmsp XmlInvalidArrayDimentions XmlMelformMapping XmlSiteMapProvider_Cannot_Be_Inited_Twice XmlSiteMapProvider_invalid_sitemapnode_returned XmlUdeclaredXsdType XmlUnxpectedType Xml_AttlistDuplEnumValue Xml_AttlistDuplNotationValue Xml_CannotFindFileInXapPackage Xml_MultipleDTDsProvided Xml_MultipleValidaitonTypes Xml_NametableMismatch Xml_NotSameNametable Xml_TooManyIsDataSetAtributeInSchema Xml_XapResolverCannotOpenUri Xnr_ResolveEntity Xp Xpath Xpn Xps Xs Xsi Xslt_CannotLoadStylesheet Xslt_DuplicateParametr Xslt_ElementCntSel Xslt_EmptyAvtExpr Xslt_IncompatibleCompiledStylesheetVersion Xslt_InvalidExtensionPermitions Xslt_NestedAvt Xslt_NoStylesheetLoaded Xslt_NotCompiledStylesheet Xslt_OpenBracesAvt Xslt_OpenLiteralAvt Xslt_PerformSortCntSel Xslt_SingleRightAvt Xslt_SingleRightBraceInAvt Xslt_UnsuppFunction Xslt_VariableCntSel Xslt_VariableCntSel2 Xslt_WrongStylesheetElement Yukon a abbreviated abort aborted absent absolute abstract acc accept acceptable accepting accepts access accessibility accessible accessor accessors account ack action activate activated activating activation active activities activity actor ad adapter adapters add added addhandler adding additional address addressed addressing admin ado advance advanced advertisement advertisements affected after again agg aggr aggregate ago agree ahead algorithm alias aliased aliases align alignment all alloc allocate allocation allow allowed allows alone alpha alphanumeric already alternate alternating alternative altform ambiguous an analysis analyze ancestor and animation annotation annotations anonymous another answer any apartment api app appearance append application applied apply apps appxmanifest are area arg args argument arguments arith arithmetic array arrays artifact artifacts as asc ascending ascii asp aspnet assemblies assembly assess assign assignable assigned associated association associations ast async asynchronous asynchronously asyncresult at att attach attached attachment attempt attempted attempts attr attrib attribute attributed attributes audit auth authenticate authenticated authentication authorization authorize authorized auto automation avail available axis b back backed backslash bad badly balance banner bar bare bars base based basic batch batched be because been before begin beginning behavior belong belongs below between beyond big bin binary bind binder binding bindings bios bistate bit blank blob block blocked blocks body bold bool boolean border both bottom bound bounds box boxes brace bracketing brackets branch bread break breakpoint broken broker browse browser browsers brush btn bubble buffer buffered buffering bufferless build builder built builtin bulk bullet bulleted busy but button buttons by byte bytes c cache cached caching calculated calendar call callable callback callbacks called calling can cancel canceling cancellation cancelled cannot canonical cant cap capability capacity caps caption cardinality cascade case cast catalog catch category cation cause causes cc cdata cell cells center centimeters certificate change changed changes changing channel channels chapter char character characters chars check checked child children choice choices chooser chrome chunk cipher circle circular clash class classifier clause clear cleared clearing click clicked client clone cloning close closed closing closure cloud clouds clr cls clsid cnt code codeblocks codedir codegen codes coexist col coll collapse collapsed collated collation collection collections collision colon color column columns combination combo comma command commands comment comments commit committed common communication comparable compare comparison compat compatibility compatible compensable compilation compile compiled compiler complete completed complex compliant component composable composite composition compositions compute computed computer concat conceptual concrete concurrency concurrent condition conditional conditions config configuration configure configured confirm conflict conflicting conflicts conformance conn connect connected connecting connection connections connector consecutive consider consistency const constant constrained constraint constraints construct constructed constructor constructors constructs consume consumer consumers contact contacts contain contained container containers containment contains content contents context contexts continuation continue contract contracts control controller controls convention conversion convert converter converters convertible converting cookie cookies coordinate coordinates copied copier copy core correctly correlated correlation corresponding could couldnTFindRequiredAttributeOfTypeOn2 count counter coverage cr creatable create created creating creation credential credentials critical cross crosses crumb cryptography cs css ct ctor ctrl ctx cud culture curr current currently cursor curve custom cut cycle cycles d dangerous data database databind databinding databindings databound dataset datasource datatype datavalue date dates day db dc de deactivate debug debugger debugging dec decimal decision decl declarable declaration declarative declare declared declaring decode decorated decoration decrease decrypt decryption deduce def default deferred defined defining definition definitions delay delegate delegated delegator delete deleted deleting delimiter demand denied dep dependencies dependency dependent depth deref derivation derive derived desc descendent descending descr description descriptor deserialization deserialize deserialized deserializer deserializing design designer destination detach detached detail detailed details detect detected detection determine deterministic device devices diagnostics dialog dict dictionary did dif diff different digit digits dimension dir direct direction directions directive directly directory dirs disable disabled disallow disallowed disambiguate disappear discard disclosure disconnect disconnected disconnecting discovery discriminator disjoint disk dispatcher display displayed dispose disposed disposing distance distinct divide dll do doc dock docked document documentation documents does dom domain doomed dot dotnettools double down downgrade downlevel download drag drained drawing drive driven driver drop dropped dropping dtd dual dub due dummy dup duplicate duplicated duplication durable duration during dynamic e each early edges edit editable edited editing editor editors effecting either elem element elements elems elliptic else em email embedded emit emitted empty enable enabled enc encode encoded encoder encoding encountered encrypt encryption end ended endlocal endpoint ends enforce enlist enough enqueue enter entities entity entries entry enum enumerable enumerate enumerated enumeration enumerator env envelope environment eof ephemeral eq equal equality equals equiv err error errors es escape escaped established et etag eval evaluate evaluation evaluator even event events ex exceed exceeded exceeds except exception exceptions exclude excluded exclusive execute executing execution exist existent existing exists exit exl expand expandable expanded expander expect expected expecting expiration expired expiry explicit explicitly export exportable expr express expression expressions ext extend extended extends extensibility extension extensions extent external extra extract facet facets factor factory fail failed failover failure fallback false family fatal fault faulted faults feature fetching few field fields file filename files fill filled filter filtered filtering filters final finally find finish finished first fit fix fixed fixup flag flags flatten floating flow flowchart flush flushed flyout focus focused folder foliation follow font footer for forbidden fore foreign form formal format formats formatted formatter formed forms found fraction fragment fragments frame framework framing free freeze from full fully func function functions fusion future fx g gac gen general generate generated generation generator generic geography geometry get getter given gives gl global globalization glyph go got goto greater grid group grouping groups gt guaranteed guid guids had handle handler handlers handling handshake happen has hash hashed have having head header headers health heap heartbeat height help helper here heterogeneous hex hexadecimal hidden hide hierarchical hierarchy high higher highlight hint history hit holder hooked horizontal host hosting hot hour hours hover href html http hyper i ibm ic icon icons id identical identification identifier identity idle if ignore ignored iis ill illegal image images imaging immutable impersonate impersonating impersonation implement implemented implements implicit implicitly implied import imported importer imports in inaccessible inc inches include inclusive incompatible incomplete inconsistent incorrect increase increment indent indentation index indexed indexer indicator individual inf infer inference infinite infinity info information inherit inheritability inheritable inheritance inherited inherits init initial initialization initialize initialized initializer initializers initiating inline inner input inputs insensitive insert inserted inserting inside inspector install installed instance instances instancing instantiate instead instruction instructions insufficient int integer integral integrated integration integrity intellisense intent interactive interface interfaces interleaved internal interop intersect intersects interval into invalid invalidate invariant inverse invite invocation invoke invoked is isolation issue it italic item items itself iv ix java job join jquery json key keyref keys keyword keywords kind known label lambda lang language languages large larger last late layout ldap leaf least leave left len length lengths less level levels library lifted like limit limited limits line lines link links linq list listener lists lit literal literals load loaded loader loading loc local locale localgroup localize localized location lock locked log logged logging logical login logout long longer looking lookup loop lost low lower m mac machine mail maintain make malformed managed management manager managers mandatory manifest manual manually many map mappath mapped mapping mappings maps mark marked markup mars master match matched matches matching materialize math max maximum me mechanism media mem member memberless members membership memory menu merge message messages meta meta_localize_notallowed meta_reskey_notallowed metadata method methods mgr microsoft millimeters min mini minimize minimized minimum minus minute minutes misc mismatch mismatched miss missing mix mixed mixing mm mob mobile modal mode model modeless modes modifiable modification modified modify modifying module modules modulus mon money monitoring month more most mouse move moved moving msg multi multidimensional multipart multiple multiplicity multiply multiselect multiset multiview must mutex mutual mutually n name named names namespace namespaces naming native nav navigable navigate navigation navigator near need needed needs neg negated negative negotiated nest nested nesting net netfx network never new newline newlines next nil nill no node nodes nominal non none nonempty nonexisting nonnegative normal normalization normalized noseq not notation notes notification notifications notify ns nth null nullable nulls num number numbered numeric o obj object objects observable obsolete occurrence occurs odbc odd of off offline offset old ole oledb on once one online only op open opened opening operand operation operations operator opt option optional options or order ordered ordinal ordinals orientation origin original orphan other otherwise out outer outline output outside over overflow overlap overlapping overlaps overline overload overloads override overrides overriding own owned owner owning p pace pack package packaging packet padding page paged pager paginate paginated paging paint pair pairs pan panel par parallel param parameter parameterless parameters params parent parented parentheses parents parse parser parsing part partial particle partition partitions partner parts passport passthrough password past paste pasted path paths pattern payload pc pdbonly peak peer peers pending per percent perform period permission permissions persist persisted persister personalization pessimistic phase phone phys physical pi picas pick picker ping pinned pipe pipeline pixels place placeholder platform pluralization plus pn poco point points policy polling polygon polymorphic polymorphism pool pooled pooling pop populate population popup port ports pos position positional positive possible post posted posts pre precision precomp precompile precompiled predicate prefix prefixed preload preparation prepare preprocessed presence present presentation presenter pressed prev preview previous primary primitive primitives principal printing prior priority private problem problematic proc procedure process processing profile progid programming progress prohibited prohibits projected projection promoted promotion prompt prop propagated propagator properties property proposed props protect protected protection protector proto protocol provided provider providers proxy ptr ptrs public punctuator purpose q qualified query queryable querystring question queue queued quick quota quote quoted race radio radius range rank re reached read readable reader reading readonly reason reasons reassigned receive received recently recipient recognized recompilations reconcile reconnection record records recover recovery rectangle recursion recursive recycling redefine redefined redefinition redirect redo reduce redundant ref refer reference referenced references referential referred refid reflected reflection refresh refs reg regain regex region register registered registration registry regular reject rejected rel relate related relates relation relations relationship relationships relative relevant remain remaining remap remarks remember remote remove removed rename render rendered rendering reopen repeat repeated repeater replace replacements replication reply report req reqd request requested requests require required requirements requires res reserved reset resets resize resolution resolve resolved resolver resolving resource resourcekey resources response responses rest restart restore restriction restrictions result resulting results retention retrieval retrieve retry return returned returning returns right rights role roles root rooted roots rotator route routed routing row rows rpc rule rules run running runtime s same sample save scalar scale scan sch schema schemas scheme scientific scope scopes screen script scripting scripts scroll sealed search sec second secondary sect section sections secure secured security seed seek seekable seen segment select selectable selected selecting selection selector self semantics send sending sensitive sent separator separators seq sequence sequential ser serializable serialization serialize serialized serializer serializing served server servers service services session sessionstate set setlocal sets settable setter setting settings severe severity sfx shadow shape shapes shared sharing sharper sheet shell shim short should show shown shutdown side sidebar sign signature signs similar simple since single site size skin skip slot small smaller smtp snapshot soap socket sockets softkey sole sort sorted sorting source sources space spacer spacing span spatial spec special specialized specific specification specifics specified specifier specifies specify specifying split spot spots sql src ssl stable stack stamp stand standalone star start started starting startup state statement statements states static statistics status step steps still stop storage store stored str stream streaming streams strength strictly strikeout string strings strip strong struct structural structure structured stub studio style styles sub subclass subject submit subnet subs subscribe subscription subset substitution subtitle subtree subtype success such suffix suggested summary super superior supplied support supported supports sure surrogate svc switch symbol sync synchronization synchronizing synchronously syntax sys system t tab table tables tag tagging tags tail target targetnametoken targets targetsize task tasks team temp template templates temporary term terminate terminated terminating test text than that the theme themes then thens this though thread threading threads threshold threw through ticket time timed timeout times tip tips title tls to today todays toggle token tokens too tool toolbox toolchain tools tooltip top total touches trace tracked tracker trackers tracking transacted transaction transactions transfer transform transformation transformer transforming transition transitions translation translations transmission transport treat tree trees trigger trim trimmed true truncation trust try trying tunnel tuple tuples twice two tx txt type typed typeface typeless types typing u ui unable unacceptable unary unattached unauthorized unavailable unbalanced unbound unchanged unclosed undeclared undef undefined under underline underlying understood undo unexpected unhandled unicode unidirectional uninit uninitialized uninstall union unique unit unknown unload unmapped unnamed unobtainable unobtrusive unparsed unplated unqualified unreachable unreadable unrecognized unrecoverable unregister unregistered unresolvable unresolved unsecured unseekable unselect unsigned unsubscribe unsuccessful unsupported unterminated untitled untracked untrusted untyped unwanted unwrap unwritable up updatable update updated updater updates updating upgrade upload upper uri url urlencoded usage use used user userinstance username usernames users uses using utc utf util utilities utils v val valid validate validating validation validator validity value valued values var variable variables variant vary vb vector verb verbs verification verifier verifying version versioning vertical via view viewer views viewstate violation virtual visibility visible visit vista visual void vpath vs w wait warning warnings was way wd web webfile week weekend well wellknown when whens where which while white whitespace whole width wild wildcard will win window windows wire with within without wizard word worker workflow working workitem workspace workstation wrap wrapper wrapping writable write writer written wrong wslpath x xml xmlns xpath xsd xsl xslt xxx y year yet zero zone zoom