# cspell-tools: keep-case no-split Browsable Datas Lexhelp StateTracker Zmap Zset abstract amap and aref arities arity asr assem assert atomic attribs base begin behaviour blit boxity break byref byrefs callconv callvirt castclass cctor ccus cdecl cenv checked class compiland component cond const constraint constructor continue conv coreclr cpath cpblk cpobj cref ctok ctxt decr default defaultof defn defns delegate demangle demangled denv detuple dflt discrim do done downcast downto dprintf dtree eager ecref einfo elif else end eqns eref event exception exiter exnc extern external failwith failwithf false fastcall fdef finally finfo fixed flds for forall fprintf fprintfn fref fslib fsobjmodel fspec fsyacc fun function functor global gotos idents idxs if iimpls ilxgen impls in include inherit initblk initialElement initobj inline inref instrs interface internal interp intf isinst iteri land lazy lcid ldarg ldelem ldelema ldfld ldflda ldlen ldloc ldloca ldnull ldobj ldsfld ldsflda ldstr ldtoken let letrec lexbuf lidwd lor lparen lsl lsr lxor mapi match mdef measure measureable memb member method minfo minfos minst mixin mod modref modul module mref mscorlib mspec mutable mutables nameof namespace nativeint nativeptr netstandard new newState newarr newobj noframework not notlazy nowarn null nullary nullness object of open or outfile override parallel parens pdef pickler pinfo pinfos plid printf printfn private process protected public pure qmark rec recursive repr reraise rescope return rfield rfinfo rfref sbyte scoref sealed select sig slotsig sprintf static stdcall stelem stfld stloc stobj struct structs stsfld taccess tailcall tailcalls tast tcaug tcref tdef then thiscall tinst to toplevel tpenv trait true try tspec tupled tupling tyapp tyargs tycon tycons typ typar typars type typecheck typechecked typedefof typeof typeproviders tyvar tyvars ucase ucref unativeint unmanaged unpickle untaint upcast use val vals virt virtual void volatile voption vref vspec when while with xmldoc yield