# cspell-tools: keep-case no-split AMQPIO AMQPLAIN AMQPSSL APC APCU Bezier CDATA CMYK CNS CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_RETR_FILE CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_PASV_REPLY CURLE_MALFORMAT_USER CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED CURLHEADER_SEPARATE CURLINFO CURLINFO_REFERER CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD CURLOPT_READDATA CURLOPT_READFUNCTION CURLOPT_SASL_IR CURLOPT_SSLCERT CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE CURLOPT_SSLENGINE CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_ALPN CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPIDLE CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPINTVL CURLOPT_XOAUTH2_BEARER CURLSSLOPT_ALLOW_BEAST Capistrano Cond DAS DOM DOMNodelist DOMXPath DSN DTD Ev FQCN FS Fourier GMT GNUC GearmanClient GearmanJob GearmanTask GearmanWorker Gmagick GmagickDraw GmagickPixel Haru IBM INET ISO Imagick Io JP Javascript Judy KTaglib_ID3v2_AttachedPictureFrame KTaglib_ID3v2_Frame KTaglib_ID3v2_Tag KTaglib_MPEG_AudioProperties KTaglib_MPEG_File KTaglib_Tag Lapack Laragon Laravel MSE Mlt Mongo MongoGridfsFile NODELAY NS 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calltokenHandler can cancel candidate candidates canonical canonicalize cap cas casByKey cascade case cast cat catch cause cbuffer cdata cdf cdup ceil cell centered cert certhash certificate cfg challenge change changed changes channel channels char character charcoal charcoalimage chars charset chdb chdb_create chdir check checkbox checkdate checkdnsrr checked checkin checkout checks chgrp child children chmod choice chop chopimage chown chr chroot chunk cipher circle circles clamp class classes classkit clean cleanup clear clearstatcache cli client clip clone close closedir closelog closure cls clunk clutImage cmd cmp cmyk cnt cntrl coalesce code codeset coding col collapse collation collator collect collectable collection collections color colorFloodfillImage colorize colormap colors colorspace cols column columns com combine combining command comment commentimage commit comms compact compare compile compiler complete completion component components compose composer composite compositeimage compress compressed compression concat concern concurrent condition config configs configuration configure confusable conn connect connected connection connections const constant constants construct constructor consume consumer container containing containment contains content contents context contiguous continent continue contrast control controller convert converter convolve cookie copy copyout copyright copyrighted core corners correl correlation corruption cos cosh count countEquivalentIDs countable counter country covariance crack crack_closedict crack_getlastmessage crack_opendict crc create create_sid created createdb creator croak crop cropimage cropthumbnailimage crossvalidate crypt crypto csr csv ctm ctrl ctype cubic cubrid curl curlwrappers curr currency current curs cursor curve custom cvt cycle cyclecolormapimage cycles cyr cyrus d dash data database date day daylight days db dba dba_firstkey dbase dbase_numrecords dbname dbplus dbplus_aql dbplus_freealllocks dbplus_freelock dbplus_freerlocks dbplus_getlock dbplus_getunique dbplus_lockrel dbplus_rchperm dbplus_rcreate dbplus_rcrtexact dbplus_rcrtlike dbplus_restorepos dbplus_rkeys dbplus_ropen dbplus_rquery dbplus_rrename dbplus_rsecindex dbplus_runlink dbplus_rzap dbplus_setindexbynumber dbplus_tremove dbplus_undoprepare dbplus_unlockrel dbplus_xlockrel dbplus_xunlockrel dbs dbstat dbx dcgettext dcngettext dcstat dead deadlock debug dec decbin dechex decipher decl declaration declare declared declaring decoct decode decompress deconstruct deconstructimages decoration decrease decrement decrypt def default define defined defs deg del delay delayed delete deleted delimiter delta den denominator dens density dependencies dependency deprecated depth dequeue descale descent describe description descriptions descriptor deserialize deskewImage despeckleImage despeckleimage destination destroy destruct destructor detach details detect deviation device dgettext di diagnose dict dicts die diff difference digest digested digit dimension dio dio_fcntl dio_tcsetattr dir direct direction directory dirname dirty dis disable disabled disc disconnect disk diskfreespace dispatch dispatched dispatcher display dispose distance distinct distort distortion distortions div dl dm dngettext dns dns_get_mx do doc document documents dom domain dot double doubleval doubly down drain draw drawimage driver drivers drop dsc dst dstanchors dstofsrcanchor dump dumpfile dup duplicate duration dx e each easter_date easter_days ecb echo edge edgeimage edition eigen eio eio_fallocate eio_fdatasync eio_fstatvfs eio_futime eio_mknod eio_npending eio_nready eio_nreqs eio_nthreads eio_readahead eio_set_max_poll_reqs eio_statvfs eio_syncfs elapsed elem element elements ellipse elliptic else elseif emancipate embed embeddable embedded emboss embossimage emit empty enable enabled enc enchant enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict encipher encode encoder encoding encodings encrypt encrypted encryption end endfor endforeach endian endif endpath endpoint endpoints endswitch endwhile engine enhance enhanceimage enqueue ensure entity entries entry enum enumeration env environ environment eo eof eofill eol epoch epochs eps equal equalize equalizeimage equals equation equivalent eqv erase ereg eregi err errcode errmsg errno errnum error errormsg errors errstr es escape escapeshellarg escapeshellcmd eval evaluate event event_base_loopbreak event_base_loopexit event_base_reinit ex examples except exception exceptions excerpts exchange exe exec executable execute executing exif exif_tagname exists exit exp expand expect expectl expire explain explode expm exponential export exports expunge ext extend extended extends extension extensions extent extents external extract extrema ezmlm_hash f fabric face facet facets facility fact factor factors factory fail failure fallback false fam family fann fann_cascadetrain_on_data fann_cascadetrain_on_file fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses_count fann_get_cascade_max_cand_epochs fann_get_cascade_min_cand_epochs fann_get_quickprop_decay fann_get_quickprop_mu fann_get_sarprop_step_error_shift fann_get_sarprop_step_error_threshold_factor fann_get_sarprop_temperature fann_get_sarprop_weight_decay_shift fann_set_cascade_activation_steepnesses fann_set_cascade_max_cand_epochs fann_set_cascade_min_cand_epochs fann_set_quickprop_decay fann_set_quickprop_mu fann_set_sarprop_step_error_shift fann_set_sarprop_step_error_threshold_factor fann_set_sarprop_temperature fann_set_sarprop_weight_decay_shift fastcgi_finish_request fault fbsql fbsql_clob_size fbsql_create_clob fbsql_read_clob fbsql_set_characterset fchmod fchown fclose fd fdf fdf_add_doc_javascript fdf_set_javascript_action fdf_set_on_import_javascript feature features feed feof fetch fetched fflush fget fgetc fgetcsv fgets fgetss field fieldflags fieldlen fieldname fields fieldtable fieldtype fieldtypes file fileatime filectime filegroup fileinfo fileinode filemtime filename fileowner fileperms filepro filepro_fieldcount filepro_fieldwidth filepro_rowcount files filesize filesystem filetype fill filling filter filters final finalize finally find finfo finfo_close finfo_open fingerprint finish finished finite fire firebird first fit fix fixed flag flags flash flat flatness flatten flip flipimage float floatval flock flood floor flop flopimage flush fmod fnmatch focus fold following font fontname fonts fontsize footer fopen for force foreach foreign fork form format formats formatter forward fp fpassthru fprintf fput fputcsv fputs fraction fragment frame frameimage frames fread free freeze frenchtojd frequency fribidi_log2vis friendsofphp from fs fscanf fseek fsock fsockopen fstat fsync ftell ftok ftp ftp_mdtm ftp_pasv ftp_rawlist ftruncate ftstat ftype full func function functions fwmKeys fwrite fx g gamma gammaimage gap garbage gaussianBlurImage gc gd_info gen gender generate generator generic genre geo geoip geoip_asnum_by_name geoip_isp_by_name geoip_netspeedcell_by_name geometry get getAttributeNs getBidiPairedBracket getFC_NFKC_Closure getHighlightFragmenter getHighlightFragsize getHtmlVer getImageMagickLicense getLEvel getRemovedStopwords getSvmType getSvrProbability getTextInterwordSpacing getWtimeout get_extension_funcs getallheaders getcolor getcolorcount getcolorvalue getcomposer getcontent getcopyright getcsv getcwd getdate getenv getfilename getfillcolor getfillopacity getfont getfontsize getfontstyle getfontweight gethostbyaddr gethostbyname gethostbynamel gethostname getimagebackgroundcolor getimageblueprimary getimagebordercolor getimagechanneldepth getimagecolors getimagecolorspace getimagecompose getimagedelay getimagedepth getimagedispose getimageextrema getimagefilename getimageformat getimagegamma getimagegreenprimary getimageheight getimagehistogram getimageindex getimageinterlacescheme getimageiterations getimagematte getimagemattecolor getimageprofile getimageredprimary getimagerenderingintent getimageresolution getimagescene getimagesignature getimagesize getimagesizefromstring getimagetype getimageunits getimagewhitepoint getimagewidth getinfo getlastmod getmxrr getmygid getmyinode getmypid getmyuid getnext getopt getpackagename getpos getprotobyname getprotobynumber getquantumdepth getrandmax getreleasedate getrusage getsamplingfactors getservbyname getservbyport getsize getstrokecolor getstrokeopacity getstrokewidth gettext gettextdecoration gettextencoding gettimeofday gettype getvalue getversion gif glo glob global globally glyph gmdate gmmktime gmp gmp_clrbit gmp_divexact gmp_gcd gmp_gcdext gmp_hamdist gmp_jacobi gmp_legendre gmp_nextprime gmp_popcount gmp_powm gmp_rootrem gmp_setbit gmp_sqrtrem gmp_testbit gmstrftime gnupg gnupg_adddecryptkey gnupg_addencryptkey gnupg_addsignkey gnupg_cleardecryptkeys gnupg_clearencryptkeys gnupg_clearsignkeys gnupg_decryptverify gnupg_encryptsign gnupg_geterror gnupg_getprotocol gnupg_keyinfo gnupg_setarmor gnupg_seterrormode gnupg_setsignmode gopher_parsedir got goto gpc gradient graph grapheme graphics gravity gray greatest green gregoriantojd grep grid group groups grp guid gupnp gupnp_context_unhost_path gz gzclose gzcompress gzdecode gzdeflate gzencode gzeof gzfile gzgetc gzgets gzgetss gzinflate gzopen gzpassthru gzputs gzread gzrewind gzseek gztell gzuncompress gzwrite h haldClutImage halt handle handler handlers hard harmonic has hasExsltSupport hash hash_hmac hash_hmac_file hasnextimage haspreviousimage hautelook head header headers heap hebrev hebrevc height help hex hexdec hexdump hidden hide high highlight highlighter hint histogram history hit hits home horizontal host hostname hosts hot hr hsl ht htdocs html htmlentities htmlspecialchars http httplug hw hwapi hwapi_hgcsp hwstat hyphenate hypot i ibase ic icon iconv id idate ident identifier identifiers identify identity idiv idle idn_to_ascii idn_to_utf8 ids if ifx ifx_blobinfile_mode ifx_byteasvarchar ifx_fieldproperties ifx_getsqlca ifx_htmltbl_result ifx_textasvarchar ifxus ignorable ignore iis illegal image imageaffine imageaffinematrixconcat imageaffinematrixget imagealphablending imageantialias imagearc imageblock imagechar imagecharup imagecolorallocate imagecolorallocatealpha imagecolorat imagecolorclosest imagecolorclosestalpha imagecolorclosesthwb imagecolordeallocate imagecolorexact imagecolorexactalpha imagecolormatch imagecolorresolve imagecolorresolvealpha imagecolorset imagecolorsforindex imagecolorstotal imagecolortransparent imageconvolution imagecopy imagecopymerge imagecopymergegray imagecopyresampled imagecopyresized imagecreate imagecreatefromgd imagecreatefromgif imagecreatefromjpeg imagecreatefrompng imagecreatefromstring imagecreatefromwbmp imagecreatefromwebp imagecreatefromxbm imagecreatefromxpm imagecreatetruecolor imagecrop imagecropauto imagedashedline imagedestroy imageellipse imagefill imagefilledarc imagefilledellipse imagefilledpolygon imagefilledrectangle imagefilltoborder imagefilter imageflip imagefontheight imagefontwidth imageftbbox imagefttext imagegammacorrect imagegd imagegif imagegrabscreen imagegrabwindow imageinterlace imageistruecolor imagejpeg imagelayereffect imageline imageloadfont imagepalettecopy imagepalettetotruecolor imagepng imagepolygon imagepsbbox imagepsencodefont imagepsextendfont imagepsfreefont imagepsloadfont imagepsslantfont imagepstext imagerectangle imagerotate images imagesavealpha imagescale imagesetbrush imagesetinterpolation imagesetpixel imagesetstyle imagesetthickness imagesettile imagestring imagestringup imagesx imagesy imagetruecolortopalette imagettfbbox imagettftext imagetype imagetypes imagewbmp imagewebp imagexbm imap imap_bodystruct imap_clearflag_full imap_createmailbox imap_deletemailbox imap_fetchbody imap_fetchheader imap_fetchmime imap_fetchstructure imap_fetchtext imap_get_quotaroot imap_getacl imap_getmailboxes imap_getsubscribed imap_headerinfo imap_listmailbox imap_listscan imap_listsubscribed imap_lsub imap_mailboxmsginfo imap_msgno imap_qprint imap_renamemailbox imap_savebody imap_scanmailbox imap_setacl imap_setflag_full immortal immutable imp implement implementation implements implicit implode implodeimage import in inc inch include included inclued_get_data incomplete increase increment indent indentation independent index indexes inet inet_ntop inet_pton infile infinite info information ingres ingres_errsqlstate ingres_field_nullable inherit inheritdoc ini init ink inner inode inotify input insert insertanchor insertcollection insertdocument inserted install instance instanceof instantiable instantly insteadof instr instruction int intdiv integer intent interceptFileFuncs interface interfaces interlace interline internal interpolate intersect interval intl into introspection intval invalidate inverse invert invoke io ioncube ip iptcembed iptcparse is isCloneable isIterateable isJste is_nan isalnum isalpha isbase isblank iscntrl isdefined isdigit isgraph islower isodate ispell isprint ispunct isset isspace istitle isupper isxdigit item iteration iterations iterator iterators iv j java jddayofweek jdmonthname jdtofrench jdtogregorian jdtojewish jdtojulian jdtounix jewishtojd job join joined journal jpeg js json judy_type judy_version juliantojd k kadm kadm5_chpass_principal kana keep keepalive kernel kerning key keygen keypad keypress keys keyword keywords kill known kr krsort ksort kurtosis l label labelimage labels langdepvalue langinfo language last latency layer layers layout lcfirst lcg_value lchgrp lchown ldap ldap_dn2ufn ldap_explode_dn ldap_get_dn ldap_sasl_bind ldap_start_tls leading learning least leastSquaresByFactorisation leastSquaresBySVD left legged len length lengths lenient level levelimage levels levenshtein lf lib libcurl library libxml limit limiter limits line linear linefeed linefeeds lines lineto link linked linkinfo links lint liquid list listDBs listIDs listbox listen listener listitem listvar lite literal ln lo load loaded loader loadfile lob local locale localeconv locales localtime locate location locations locator lock locking log log_getmore log_killcursor logging login logistic logo long lookup loop low lower lowercase ls lstat ltrim lua lzf m m_checkstatus m_completeauthorizations m_connectionerror m_deletetrans m_destroyconn m_destroyengine m_getcell m_getcellbynum m_getcommadelimited m_getheader m_initconn m_initengine m_iscommadelimited m_maxconntimeout m_numcolumns m_parsecommadelimited m_responsekeys m_responseparam m_returnstatus m_setblocking m_setdropfile m_setip m_setssl m_setssl_cafile m_setssl_files m_settimeout m_transactionssent m_transinqueue m_transkeyval m_transnew m_transsend m_uwait m_validateidentifier m_verifyconnection m_verifysslcert ma magic magnify magnifyimage mail mailparse mailparse_determine_best_xfer_encoding main maintain major make mama manager many map mapimage margin margins mark mask master match matchbox matched matches matrix matte matteFloodfillImage max maxdb maximum mb mb_decode_numericentity mb_encode_numericentity mb_ereg_search_getregs mb_ereg_search_regs mb_ereg_search_setpos mb_strimwidth mb_strrichr mbstring mcrypt mcrypt_cbc mcrypt_cfb mcrypt_generic_deinit md md5_file mdecrypt_generic mean measure median medianfilterimage mem memcache memcached meminfo memory menu merge message meta metadata metaphone method methods metrics mhash microtime midpoint mime mimeheader mimetype min ming ming_setcubicthreshold ming_setscale ming_setswfcompression ming_useconstants ming_useswfversion minify minifyimage minimal minimum minor minus mirror mirrored missing miter mkdir mktime mod mode model modes modifiable modified modifier modifiers modify modulate modulateimage module modules mom momentum money mongo monitor montage month more morph morphology mosaic motion motionblurimage mount move moveToAttributeNs moveto movie mp mpeg mqseries mqseries_cmit mqseries_connx mqseries_inq ms msession msg msgs msql msql_regcase mssql mt mul multColor multi multiple multiplier multiply multisort mung mutable mutex mysql mysqli mysqlnd mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid n nack nacked name named names nameserver nameservers namespace namespaces natcasesort natsort nb ncurses ncurses_addch ncurses_addchnstr ncurses_addchstr ncurses_addnstr ncurses_addstr ncurses_attroff ncurses_attron ncurses_attrset ncurses_baudrate ncurses_bkgd ncurses_bkgdset ncurses_cbreak ncurses_clrtobot ncurses_clrtoeol ncurses_delch ncurses_deleteln ncurses_delwin ncurses_doupdate ncurses_echochar ncurses_erasechar ncurses_flushinp ncurses_getch ncurses_getmaxyx ncurses_getmouse ncurses_getyx ncurses_halfdelay ncurses_has_il ncurses_hline ncurses_insch ncurses_insdelln ncurses_insertln ncurses_insstr ncurses_isendwin ncurses_keyok ncurses_killchar ncurses_longname ncurses_mouse_trafo ncurses_mouseinterval ncurses_mousemask ncurses_mvaddch ncurses_mvaddchnstr ncurses_mvaddchstr ncurses_mvaddnstr ncurses_mvaddstr ncurses_mvcur ncurses_mvdelch ncurses_mvgetch ncurses_mvhline ncurses_mvinch ncurses_mvvline ncurses_mvwaddstr ncurses_napms ncurses_newpad ncurses_newwin ncurses_nocbreak ncurses_noecho ncurses_nonl ncurses_noqiflush ncurses_noraw ncurses_pnoutrefresh ncurses_prefresh ncurses_putp ncurses_qiflush ncurses_resetty ncurses_savetty ncurses_scrl ncurses_slk_attroff ncurses_slk_attron ncurses_slk_attrset ncurses_slk_noutrefresh ncurses_standend ncurses_termattrs ncurses_termname ncurses_ungetch ncurses_ungetmouse ncurses_vidattr ncurses_vline ncurses_waddch ncurses_waddstr ncurses_wattroff ncurses_wattron ncurses_wattrset ncurses_wborder ncurses_wclear ncurses_wcolor_set ncurses_werase ncurses_wgetch ncurses_whline ncurses_wmouse_trafo ncurses_wmove ncurses_wnoutrefresh ncurses_wrefresh ncurses_wstandend ncurses_wstandout ncurses_wvline needs neg negate negative negotiated nelmio network neuron neurons new newimage newt newt_win_messagev next nextimage nextkey ng ngettext nice nick nl nlist no node nodes noescape noise nonce noncentral none nop normal normalize normalized normalizeimage normalizer not notation note notice notification notify now nowait nowdoc nr nsapi nthmac null nullformat num number numerator numeric numfields numrows o oauth ob ob_gzhandler ob_tidyhandler object objectbyanchor objects observer oci ocibindbyname ocicancel ocicloselob ocicollappend ocicollassign ocicollassignelem ocicollgetelem ocicollmax ocicollsize ocicolltrim ocicolumnisnull ocicolumnname ocicolumnprecision ocicolumnscale ocicolumnsize ocicolumntype ocicolumntyperaw ocicommit ocidefinebyname ocierror ociexecute ocifetch ocifetchinto ocifetchstatement ocifreecollection ocifreecursor ocifreedesc ocifreestatement ociinternaldebug ociloadlob ocilogoff ocilogon ocinewcollection ocinewcursor ocinewdescriptor ocinlogon ocinumcols ociparse ociplogon ociresult ocirollback ocirowcount ocisavelob ocisavelobfile ociserverversion ocisetprefetch ocistatementtype ociwritelobtofile ociwritetemporarylob octdec odbc odbc_binmode odbc_columnprivileges odbc_foreignkeys odbc_gettypeinfo odbc_longreadlen odbc_primarykeys odbc_procedurecolumns odbc_setoption odbc_specialcolumns odbc_tableprivileges of ofb off offset ogg oid oil oilpaintimage okay old omit on once one opacity opaque opcache open openal openal_buffer_loadwav opendir opened openlog openssl openssl_dh_compute_key openssl_get_md_methods openssl_get_privatekey openssl_x509_checkpurpose operation operator opt optimize optimized option optional options or ord order orderedPosterizeImage ordering org orientation original os other out outer outline output over overload override overview owner p pack package packagist packed packet pad padding page paged pageinfo pages paint paintFloodfillImage pair paired panel panels panic parallel param parameter parameters params parent parents parse parseResolvConf parsed parsekit parser part partial parts passed passive passthru passwd password patch path pathinfo pathname pattern pause pbkdf pclose pcntl pcntl_getpriority pcntl_setpriority pcntl_sigprocmask pcntl_sigtimedwait pcntl_sigwaitinfo pcntl_waitpid pcntl_wexitstatus pcntl_wifexited pcntl_wifsignaled pcntl_wifstopped pcntl_wstopsig pcntl_wtermsig pconnect pcos pcov pdf pdgblock pdi peak pear pecl peek peer pen pending per percent percentile perfect performance period periodic permission perms persistence persistent personal pfsockopen pg pg_escape_bytea pg_field_prtlen pg_unescape_bytea pgsql phar php phpapi phpcredits phpcs phpdoc phpinfo phpmd phpstan phpunit phpversion phrase pi pick picture pid ping pixel pixels pkcs pkey place play plugin plus pmf png point points polaroidImage policies policy poll polygon polyline pool pop popen port pos position posix posix_ctermid posix_getegid posix_geteuid posix_getgid posix_getgrgid posix_getgrnam posix_getgroups posix_getlogin posix_getpgid posix_getpgrp posix_getpid posix_getppid posix_getpwnam posix_getpwuid posix_getrlimit posix_getsid posix_getuid posix_initgroups posix_isatty posix_mkfifo posix_mknod posix_setegid posix_seteuid posix_setgid posix_setpgid posix_setrlimit posix_setsid posix_setuid posix_ttyname post posterizeImage postfix pow pre prebuilt preceding precision predict preference preferred prefetch prefix prefs preg prepare prepared prepend present preserve prev preview previous previousimage primary prime principal principals print printable printf priority pristine private privileges prob probability probe problem proc procedure procedures process processes processing processor product profile profileimage profiles profiling prog progress prop properties property props protected protection proto protocol prototype provider proxy ps ps_add_launchlink ps_add_locallink ps_add_pdflink ps_arcn ps_closepath ps_closepath_stroke ps_curveto ps_findfont ps_makespotcolor ps_setdash ps_setflat ps_setfont ps_setgray ps_setlinecap ps_setlinejoin ps_setlinewidth ps_setmiterlimit ps_setoverprintmode ps_setpolydash ps_shfill ps_stringwidth psalm pseudo pspell pspell_config_runtogether public publickey pullup pump punct push put putShl putenv pvf pwd px px_numrecords px_set_targetencoding q qc qos qr quadratic quality quantize quantizeimage quantizeimages quantum queries query queryfontmetrics queryfonts queryformats queue quick quit quota quote quoted quotemeta quotes r rabbitmq rad radial radialblurimage radio radiobutton radius radius_demangle radius_demangle_mppe_key raise raiseimage rand random randomize randstr range ranking rar rar_wrapper_cache_stats rate ratio raw rawurldecode rawurlencode re read readable readdir reader readfile readgzfile readimage readimageblob readimagefile readimages readline readlink readlock readonly reads readunlock real realpath reap reason rebind receive recent recode recolor recommended record recover rect rectangle recursive recv recvfrom red redefine redirect redirects redisplay redraw reduce reducenoiseimage ref refactor reference reflection reflector reflow reflowed refresh regenerate regex region register registered registry regular rehash reindent reindex rel relational relative relax release release_savepoint remap remove removeimage removeimageprofile rename render rendering renegotiate reopen repair repeat repeated repl replace replacement reply report reporting repos request require required res resample resampleimage rescale reset resize resizeimage resolution resolve resource resources response restart restore restrict result results resultset resume ret rethrow retries retrieve retry return returns rev reverse revert revision rewind rewinddir rewrite rfc rgb rgba right rights rise rm rmdir roc roll rollback rollimage root rot rotate rotateimage rotational round roundrectangle route routed router routes row rowid rows rowset rpl rpm rprop rrd rrd_lastupdate rrd_xport rrdc_disconnect rsort rtrim rule rules run runkit runkit_superglobals running runtime s safe salt same sample sampling sandbox sapi save savepoint savepos savings sbs scalar scale scaled scaleimage scaling scan scandir scanned scene schema scheme scope scp scr screen script scrollbar seal search second secondary secret section security seed seeds seek segment select selection selective self sem semaphore send sendfile sendmulti sendto sent sentence separate separateimagechannel sepia seq sequence sequenced serializable serialize server servers service servlet session set setCompat setFitBH setFitBV setHighlightFragmenter setHighlightFragsize setSaslAuthData setSearchNdots setTextInterwordSpacing setbackground setcolor setcolorvalue setcommittedversion setcookie setenv setfilename setfillcolor setfillopacity setfont setfontsize setfontstyle setfontweight setimagebackgroundcolor setimageblueprimary setimagebordercolor setimagechanneldepth setimagecolorspace setimagecompose setimagedelay setimagedepth setimagedispose setimagefilename setimageformat setimagegamma setimagegreenprimary setimageindex setimageinterlacescheme setimageiterations setimageprofile setimageredprimary setimagerenderingintent setimageresolution setimagescene setimagetype setimageunits setimagewhitepoint setindex setlocale setopt setproctitle setrawcookie sets setsamplingfactors setsize setstrokecolor setstrokeopacity setstrokewidth settextdecoration settextencoding setthreadtitle setting settings settype setup severity sftp sha shade shading shadow shape shard share sharpen shave shear shearimage shell shift shm shmop short shortcut show shuffle shutdown siblings sigchild sigmoidal sign signal signature signatures signeurlpaiement sigv similar simple simplexml sin sine single singular sinh sink site size sizeof sizes sketch skew skip skipped slave sleep slice slide slk slob slop smiley smooth smushImages snapshot snd snippets snmp snmp2_getnext snmp3_getnext snmp_get_valueretrieval snmp_read_mib snmp_set_valueretrieval snmpget snmpgetnext snmprealwalk snmpset snmpwalk snmpwalkoid soap sock socket socket_cmsg_space socket_getpeername socket_getsockname socket_recvmsg socket_sendmsg socket_set_nonblock socketpair solarize solarizeimage solid solr_get_version solve sort sound soundex source space spacing sparse special sphinx spki spl splice split spliti spread spreadimage sprintf sprite sq sql sql_regcase sqlite sqlite_libencoding sqlite_libversion sqlite_udf_decode_binary sqlite_udf_encode_binary sqlsrv sqlstate sqrt square srand srcanchors srcsofdst sscanf ssdeep_fuzzy_compare ssdeep_fuzzy_hash ssdeep_fuzzy_hash_filename ssh ssh2_auth_hostbased_file ssh2_auth_pubkey_file ssl sslcert stack stacked stagnation standard standards standout start started startup stat state statement static statistic statistics stats stats_cdf_cauchy stats_cdf_chisquare stats_cdf_laplace stats_cdf_noncentral_chisquare stats_cdf_poisson stats_cdf_weibull stats_dens_cauchy stats_dens_chisquare stats_dens_laplace stats_dens_pmf_hypergeometric stats_dens_pmf_poisson stats_dens_weibull stats_rand_gen_chisquare stats_rand_gen_funiform stats_rand_gen_ibinomial stats_rand_gen_ibinomial_negative stats_rand_gen_ipoisson stats_rand_gen_iuniform stats_rand_gen_noncenral_chisquare stats_rand_ranf stats_rand_setall stats_stat_binomial_coef stats_stat_gennch stats_stat_innerproduct stats_stat_powersum status std steepness steganoImage stem stereo stmt stomp stop stopped storage store str str_ireplace strcasecmp strchr strcmp strcoll strcspn strcut stream streams strength strerror stretch strftime strict stride string strip stripcslashes stripimage stripos stripslashes stristr strlen strnatcasecmp strnatcmp strncasecmp strncmp stroke stroking strpbrk strpos strptime strrchr strrev strripos strrpos strspn strstr strtok strtolower strtotime strtoupper strtr structure strval strwidth stub style stylesheet sub subclass subject submit subpixel subscribe subscribed subscription subset subst substitute substr substring success suggest sum summary sun sunrise sunset supported supports surface surfaces suspend suspicious svg svn svn_repos_hotcopy sweep swirl swirlimage swish switch sybase symbol symbols symfony symlink sync synchronized syntax sys_get_temp_dir sys_getloadavg syslog system systype t table tablename tables tag tagged tags tailable taint tainted takes tan tanh target task tasks tcl tcpwrap_check tell temp template tempnam temporary term terminate terminated termination terms ternary test text textblock textbox textdomain textflow textline texture thaw this thread threaded threads threshold throw throwable thumbnail thumbnailimage tick ticks tidy tie tiff time time_nanosleep timeout timeouts timer times timestamp timezone tint title tmpdata tmpfile to token tokens tolerance tolower tone top total totitle touch toupper trace track trader trader_adosc trader_adx trader_adxr trader_apo trader_aroon trader_aroonosc trader_atr trader_avgprice trader_bbands trader_cci trader_cdl2crows trader_cdl3blackcrows trader_cdl3inside trader_cdl3linestrike trader_cdl3outside trader_cdl3starsinsouth trader_cdl3whitesoldiers trader_cdlabandonedbaby trader_cdladvanceblock trader_cdlbelthold trader_cdlbreakaway trader_cdlclosingmarubozu trader_cdlconcealbabyswall trader_cdlcounterattack trader_cdldarkcloudcover trader_cdldoji trader_cdldojistar trader_cdldragonflydoji trader_cdlengulfing trader_cdleveningdojistar trader_cdleveningstar trader_cdlgapsidesidewhite trader_cdlgravestonedoji trader_cdlhammer trader_cdlhangingman trader_cdlharami trader_cdlharamicross trader_cdlhighwave trader_cdlhikkake trader_cdlhikkakemod trader_cdlhomingpigeon trader_cdlidentical3crows trader_cdlinneck trader_cdlinvertedhammer trader_cdlkicking trader_cdlkickingbylength trader_cdlladderbottom trader_cdllongleggeddoji trader_cdllongline trader_cdlmarubozu trader_cdlmatchinglow trader_cdlmathold trader_cdlmorningdojistar trader_cdlmorningstar trader_cdlonneck trader_cdlpiercing trader_cdlrickshawman trader_cdlrisefall3methods trader_cdlseparatinglines trader_cdlshootingstar trader_cdlshortline trader_cdlspinningtop trader_cdlstalledpattern trader_cdlsticksandwich trader_cdltakuri trader_cdltasukigap trader_cdlthrusting trader_cdltristar trader_cdlunique3river trader_cdlupsidegap2crows trader_cdlxsidegap3methods trader_cmo trader_dema trader_ema trader_get_compat trader_ht_dcperiod trader_ht_dcphase trader_ht_phasor trader_ht_trendline trader_ht_trendmode trader_kama trader_linearreg trader_linearreg_angle trader_linearreg_intercept trader_linearreg_slope trader_macd trader_macdext trader_macdfix trader_mavp trader_maxindex trader_medprice trader_mfi trader_midprice trader_minindex trader_minmax trader_minmaxindex trader_mult trader_natr trader_obv trader_ppo trader_rocp trader_rocr trader_rocr100 trader_rsi trader_sar trader_sarext trader_set_compat trader_sma trader_stddev trader_stoch trader_stochf trader_stochrsi trader_tema trader_trange trader_trima trader_trix trader_tsf trader_typprice trader_ultosc trader_wclprice trader_willr trader_wma train training trait traits trans transaction transcode transform transition transitions translate translation transliterate transliterator transparent transports transpose transverse tree trigger trigram trim trimimage true truncate try trylock ttc ttf tty tune tunnel tx txn type typeahead typeinfo typelib types tyrant tz u uasort uassoc ucache ucfirst ucwords udiff udm uh uid uintersect ukey uksort umask uname unbind unbuffered unchange unchanging uncompress uncompressed undefine undelete under undo unescape unfreeze unichar unicode uniform uniq uniqid unique units unity unixtojd unlink unlock unpack unpacked unparsed unregister unselect unserializable unserialize unset unsharpMaskImage unshift unstable unstack unsubscribe untaint until untrace uopz up update updater upload uploaded upper uppercase upsert upserted uri url urldecode urlencode usage use usec used user userlist username userspace uses using usleep usort utf util utils utime uudecode uuencode uuid v valid validate value values vanish var variable variables variadic variance variant variants varnish vars vec vector vendor verbose verbosity verify version versions vertical vfprintf vhost video view viewbox viewpath vignette virtual vpopmail vprintf vsprintf vtable w wait waiting wakeup walk wall warning warnings watch watcher watermark wave wbmp wddx weak weakref web weblink webserver week weekend weight weights while white whitespace whole width wild win win32_ps_list_procs wincache wincache_fcache_fileinfo wincache_fcache_meminfo wincache_ocache_fileinfo wincache_ocache_meminfo wincache_rplist_fileinfo wincache_rplist_meminfo wincache_scache_info wincache_scache_meminfo wincache_ucache_cas window with without word wordlist words wordwrap work workaround worker working workload wrapped wrapper wrappers writable write writeable writeimage writelock writer writeunlock writing x xa xattr_get xattr_list xattr_remove xattr_set xattr_supported xdebug xdiff xdiff_file_rabdiff xdiff_string_rabdiff xdigit xhprof_disable xhprof_enable xhprof_sample_disable xhprof_sample_enable xhtml xinclude xml xml_parse_into_struct xml_parser_create_ns xmlrpc xor xpath xsl xslt xy xyz y yaml yaz yaz_addinfo yaz_ccl_conf yaz_ccl_parse yaz_itemorder year yield youngest yp z zend zero zip zip_entry_compressedsize zip_entry_compressionmethod zlib zone zval