# cspell-tools: keep-case no-split ADMINTOOLS ALLUSERSAPPDATA ALLUSERSPROFILE ALTSTARTUP APPDATA BITBUCKET CDBURN COMMONPROGRAMFILES COMMONX COMSPEC CSIDL Clixml DEFAULTUSERPROFILE DESKTOPDIRECTORY DL DTD DTDs ERRORLEVEL EXTERNALHELP FILESX FORWARDHELPCATEGORY FORWARDHELPTARGETNAME HOMEDRIVE HOMEPATH LOCALAPPDATA MYDOCUMENTS MYMUSIC MYPICTURES MYVIDEO Microsoft NETHOOD OFS PID PRINTHOOD PROFILESFOLDER PROGRAMFILES PSModuleAutoloadingPreference PsUICulture QUICKLAUNCH REMOTEHELPRUNSPACE SENDTO STARTMENU SYSTEMPROFILE SYSTEMROOT Sysnative TMP USERDOMAIN USERPROFILE USERSID UTF Unprotect Unpublish WINDIR a about action add after alias all amp and apple application approve are area args argument array as assembly assert assignment attribute attributes automatic automation b backup band bat be begin bitwise block bnot bor bound break build built builtin but bxor bypass cache capture captures catch ccontains cd ceq cge cgt character checkpoint ci class cle clear clike close clt cmatch cmd cmdlet cmdlets cne cnotcontains cnotlike cnotmatch code color com come command commands comment common communications compare comparison complete complex component compress configuration confirm connect connections console constant constants contacts contains content context continue control controls convert cookies copy correctly count creplace culture current d data date debug default define definition deny deploy description desktop diagnostic dict disable disconnect dismount do docs doctype documentation documents double downloads drive drives dynamicparam e edit else elseif email embedded en enable encoding end endlocal endregion enter entity enumeration eq error escape escapes event example exe execution exit expand export expression false favorites file files filter finally find findstr first fonts for foreach format from function functionality ge get gl global good grant group gt hashtable have heredoc hexadecimal hide history home host http i ic icontains id ieq if ige igt ile ilike ilt imatch import imprecise in include ine info initialize inlinescript inotcontains inotlike inotmatch input inputs install internet interpolated interpolation invocation invoke ireplace is isnot it item join key keyword kmgtp known l language last le level lg lifecycle like limit line link list local localgroup lock logical lt machine make management match matches math maximum measure merge meta mode modifier module monokai mount move msbuild music must my name ne needed nested network new no normal not notcontains notes notin notlike notmatch noun null number numeric object only open operator optimize option or os other out output outputs p parallel param parameter parameters parse parsing path pattern patterns personal pictures ping playlists plist policy pop popd power preference printers private process profile program programs progress prompt property protect provide ps psd psm public publish punctuation push pushd pwd pwsh quoted random range read readwrite really receive recent recursive redirection redo register remote remove rename repair replace repo repository request requires reserved reset resize resolve resources restart restore restricted resume return revoke root s save schema scientific scope script scriptblock search security see select self send sender separator server session set setlocal shell shl should show shr sign signed simple single skip snap so source special split stack stand start startup statement step stop storage string stuff style subexpression submit subscriber support suspend switch sync synopsis syntax system t table tag te temp templates test that the there these they this throw time to todo trace trap true try type types unary unblock undefined undo uninstall unlock unregister unrestricted until update use user username using uuid values var variable variables verb verbose verbs version very video view w wait warning watch we what where while windows with workflow write wslpath www x xml xor z