# cspell-tools: keep-case no-split access accessibility accesskey action active afterupdate alt and animate api are aria as assignments associated attribute attributes autofocus await before beforeupdate begin bind blur body caption class click client comments compile component const content context control createeventdispatcher creates creating crossfade custom data debug derived destroy directives distracting div docs draw each easing element elements else eventname events export expressions fade flip fly fn format fragment get getallcontexts getcontext getting group gt has hascontext have head hidden href html if img in incorrect interactive invalid key label li lt marks media misplaced missing module motion mouse name nested no noninteractive noscroll on ondestroy onmount options out parse positive prefix preprocess prop property props reactive readable redundant reference register required role roles run scale scope script section self server set setcontext side sidebar slide slot slots spring started statement store stores structure style subscribe subscription subsection svelte sveltejs sveltekit syntax tabindex tags template text their this tick time to toc transition tweened type ul unknown use value values version walk warnings we window with writable