All files / utils checkPackage.util.ts

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import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common/services/logger.service';
 * Generates the string which packages are missing and
 * how to install them
 * @param name The name of the packages
 * @param reason The reason why these packages are important
 * @internal
const MISSING_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCY = (names: string[], reason: string): string =>
  `The "${names.join('", "')}" package${
    names.length > 1 ? 's are' : ' is'
  } missing. Please, make sure to install the librar${
    names.length > 1 ? 'ies' : 'y'
  } ($ npm install ${names.join(' ')}) to take advantage of ${reason}.`;
 * @internal
const logger = new Logger('PackageLoader');
 * Loads an optional module
 * @param module The module name
 * @internal
 * @returns {T | null} The module or null if has not found
function optional<T = any>(module: string): T | null {
  try {
    Iif (module[0] in { '.': 1 }) {
      module = process.cwd() + module.substring(1);
    return require(`${module}`);
  } catch (err) {}
  return null;
 * Checks if the given packages are available and logs using the Nest Logger
 * which packages are not available
 * @param packageNames The package names
 * @param reason The reason why these packages are important
 * @internal
 * @example
 * //  The "no_package" package is missing. Please, make sure to install the library ($ npm install no_package) to take advantage of TEST.
 * checkPackages(['process', 'no_package'], 'TEST')
export function checkPackages(packageNames: string[], reason: string): any[] {
  const packages =, index) => ({
    pkg: optional(packageName),
  const missingDependenciesNames = packages
    .filter((pkg) => pkg.pkg === null)
    .map((pkg) => packageNames[pkg.index]);
  Iif (missingDependenciesNames.length) {
    logger.error(MISSING_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCY(missingDependenciesNames, reason));
  return => pkg.pkg);